
Annual Memorial Service

THE DATE FOR OUR 2023 SERVICE - Sunday 12th November at 5.00pm

All Saints Parish Church Pontefract

If it was our privilege during this past year to have conducted a funeral for a member of your family, or if you have lost someone dear to you during this past year and would like to remember them this Remembrance Sunday, then we would like to invite you to our Annual Memorial Service, at which we will read out the Names of all the People whose Funerals we have taken this year, along with those that other members of our churches may wish to be remembered at the service. 


If you have a particular name you wish to be remembered during the evening then there will be a list at the entrance to the church for you to write their name(s)


After the service there will be some refreshments and a time to talk and meet friends.


We do hope that you will be able to attend, along with any members of your family or friends who may wish to come. During the service there will be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loved ones and prayers will be said.