A New Benefice!
The Benefice of Pontefract that used to contain the churches of All Saints and of St Giles with St Marys has now been extended to include the parishes of Carelton Saints Michael and East Hardwick, Saint Stephen.
We look forward to the opportunities that this change will give to extend our fellowship and mission in the Pontefract and surrounding areas of Carelton and East Hardwick and to meeting new friends as we work to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, and to Worship and Pray together and as we serve our communities in His Name, both in our own Parish Churches and as we come together as part of God's Family here in our town and villages.
The costs of keeping our Mission alive and looking after our buildings continues and so, for those who do usually give on a regular basis we would encourage you to look at our Online Giving page - GIVING ON LINE - where you can give through the page whenever you wish to do so. It is very easy to use and looks like the Give-a-Little machine we have in church. There you can give a preset amount of your choice or you can specify your own gift.
We are now able to hold Funeral Services in Church with no restrictions. As usual you should contact your Funeral Director in the first instance, not the church, in order to arrange a funeral please.
Services are now open to all in the Church Building..
We would encourage you to try to join us in fellowship in church if you can and are confident to do so.
Morning and Evening Prayer will continue to be said for our Community at 8.00am and 5.30pm Monday to Thursday whenever possible. Most days the Daily Prayer App. prayers and readings will be followed. This is a free App. for Smart Phones and / or Tablets and is very easy to use. If you don't have access to the App then simply set aside these times as and when you can for private prayer.
Holy Communion will be celebrated now from the Church building Sundays @ 10.00am & Wednesdays at 9.30am and also on the fourth Sunday of each month at 6.30pm.
Evensong will be held on Sunday Evenings at 6.30pm other than on the fourth Sunday of each month, when there will be a service of Holy Communion.
NB It will be necessary to remove some recorded services from the Website to make room for new ones, but they will still be accessible on YouTube even after they have been taken down from our pages.
If you wish to request special prayers for someone or for yourself at this time please send an e-mail on info@allsaintspontefract.church or call or leave a message on 01977 600230 and they will be included in our weekly prayer lists NB If you do not wish the name(s) to be published on the prayer list on this site please tell me on the e-mail and the name will only be used in prayers in Church. Only Forenames will be published anyway, not surnames.
Please do the same if you know of anyone who has died so that we can remember them and their families in our prayers too.