
New Marriage Regulations for 2021 - 

Please note that from May 2021 the process and paperwork for all Marriages, Civil or in Church, are changing under the new regulations which come into force this year. Briefly, this means that the paperwork is a little different, that you will be able to choose whether to name your Father,  Mother or 'Parent' on the document, and that on the day you will not be issued with a Marriage Certificate, but will need to apply to the Registrar to obtain one shortly after the date of the Wedding. The need for 'Qualifying Connections with the Parish and the publishing of Wedding Banns before the wedding will still apply.


All Saints, Pontefract is a lovely venue for a wedding, with a beautiful interior and surrounded by our grounds and the grand ruins of the original church, which was destroyed during the Civil War. 


If you wish to get Married at All Saints, Pontefract then please contact the Office on 01977 600230. The office is usually open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a few hours from 10.30am so that you can book to come and meet us, usually on a Wednesday Evening between 6.00 and 6.30pm to begin the process - there is an answer - phone on this line so please leave a message if the 'phone is not answered.


In order to be married at All Saints you need either to live in the Parish of All Saints, Pontefract, or in the Parish of St. Giles with St. Marys. If you live outside the Parish area then you need to have some other valid connection with our Church. This may be that you were Baptised here or close family live in the Parish, etc. Fuller details of the Qualifying Connections may be found on the Church of England Web Site under https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/weddings